My Tryst With Writing

I was always fond of writing, well I still am. I remember asking my parents to gift me diaries on my birthdays or buying them as souvenirs from gift shops whenever we went on a vacation. My latest one is a handmade diary using recycled paper. I just adore it. I couldn't have given myself a better gift.

You have to hold it to feel what I am talking about.

I have tried different platforms of writing from a personal blog to social media posts to freelance platforms but I mostly enjoy writing in my diary with a fountain pen just to please myself.

But on some days I feel like sharing what I've written with others just to feel that sense of connection or belonging because it feels good when someone relates to or understands your views or musings. There were times when I felt so good by reading someone else's article or poetry that I felt someone has given words to my own thoughts and feelings or has alleviated my psychological pain by voicing honest opinions. More than fame or wealth, I, and I am sure so many of you, crave to be understood and appreciated for our sincere efforts in expressing ourselves through an art form or a sport or music.

So, this is yet another attempt at yet another platform to try to express myself which may lead to a well-meaning conversation or a discussion with like-minded people. Hope I will find spending time on this platform worthwhile and pursue writing.

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Know Thyself Better

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Know Thyself Better

Helping us to know ourselves better. Mental Health Advocate @SpeakingGrey. Photographer| Writer| Thinker