When You Numb Sadness You Numb Joy Too

You can not selectively numb emotions.

That is to say you can not numb only sadness, grief, pain, anger, hatred without affecting their counter opposites.

When you close the windows of your mind to rain, the sunshine will be blocked out too. It's simple.

And any emotion swings like a pendulum - from joy to sadness and back, from hatred to love and back, from violence to peace and back.

Drugs and social media can give a temporary relief by numbing the senses. But the after effects only make the condition worse.

So, what is the solution?

Embrace and accept everything.

Easier said than done.

But, I never said the surgery (and not just a band-aid) to treat our mental state is going to be easy.

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Whole Brains

Trying to convince people that mental health is akin physical health and understand the ever-unique ways in which our brains work